Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Diari Oyen - Part 4 : Omei (Tabby 2 - the husky)

Mommy used to call me Husky, the Tabby 2
but lately mommy call me 'Omei' the torbie..
she took this picture of me yesterday.. when i m about to take a nap

i am now 13 weeks and 2 days old
but mommy said i am still small.. in fact, the smallest and.... 

.. hardly put on weight too.. err mommy! i tawt i taw another puddy tat!

she always talk to me.. which sometimes i dont understand at all haha!  

err.. why this grass isnt green? purr...

Mommy.. i'm tired..

Agak2 la kan.. owner yang dah booking Omei ni untuk adopt.. tu boleh tahan tak tengok how adorable she is?  :)


  1. shomel nye die..dc.kalo tomei peggy lagi..leh tak tolong bg kan kat org..;)

  2. tak boleh tahan lin rasa.
    omeiii sangat cutee lah kak.
    eiii..geramm..kaler cam bengal.

  3. kaptentora - hahaha! mommy dia sudah mari!

  4. NISS - err.. tak paham. Maksud Niss, kalau mak omei (Oyen) preggo lagi, Niss nak eh?..

  5. Misz Pinkie Winkie - tu la.. kaler dia pun cerah, tak macam tabby biasa. Tak pasti Omei ni jadi semi-long hair atau shorthair. Rasanya mcm ke arah berbulu panjang mcm mak dia sbb bulu dia tak menguncup mcm akak dia, TAbby 1.

  6. Aloloh....omei memang tomei.... purrr.....meow!

  7. ya Allah geram nyerrrr....rasa macam nak polok polok jer...gewamm!!

  8. huhuhuh..bkn la dc.mksud niss kalo kucing niss tomei..preggy nak mtk tolong dc crkan org yg nak kucen


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