Thursday, February 17, 2011

Diari Oren - Part 5 : Tabby 1

i am called 'Tabby 1'.  Mommy said i am wearing mackerel torbie's coat :)
* u're just like yr father, shorthair cat - belang*

i luv to play with Omei since my brothers - the oranges, are now with new mommy..
*yeah right!!.. she luvs bullying to be exact!*

la la la la la!
* .. ooh u luv swaying?*

look mommy! i can now standing
*i know the difference between standing and scratching ok?!*

dont u think i am a good girl?
*.. just wait and see*

i tawt i taw a puddy tat!
*.. it's Omei dear*

* within seconds - uh! uh! what is happening?*

I swear i didnt push her Mommy..
*yeah i know.. Omei fell by herself*

I wonder whether, a family who booked Tabby 1 since last year, still wants her now.  They might already have another kitten by now.


Tq for stopping by. I am happy to hear what you have got to say. It would mean a great deal to me!