Monday, February 7, 2011

Exo In A Sink

Mommy, why r u staring at me? Am i...
Yes, dear Daisy.. it's shower timeeee!

OMG! not again!
Yes u r!.. u r so messy! .
.. dont cry.. 
.. dont be afraid.. *tapping her head*
... and dont give me that E.T. look!!

Mommy give u a good massage - on your back..
.. down to your belly..
.. manicure..
..pedicure and..
tail - cure *got such word?*
.. done shampooing huhu! emm still sour face huh? *tickles*
all done!.. now all u need to do is..
shake yr body!..
shake your head!
uh! uh! lift me up mommy! i want to see how do i look!
This is how u look dear.. * eye-twitching *
enuff with the mirror sweetie...let me dry u up!
now its yr turn - lick lick lick

lick lick lick
tired uh daisy?
no lar mommy, i'm cleaning my ear!
how do i look mummy?
What about this look?
Do u know what this look means mommy?
errr.... yes! yes!.. i know.. yr stomach is growling! hahaha!


  1. OMG! Daisy, we're supposed to be dry clean only species. Get it? No shower, no shampoo! har har har *evil laughs*

  2. Cat-in-Sydney ~ woohoo i hear yr laff loud n clear.. and no wonder there's no purr..meowwww.. takut air yeee?

  3. wahhhhhhhhhhh ypu look pretty and sexy after your shower :p hehehehe

  4. wangi dah die..meh nak pelok syium..;p

  5. E.T look! ahahah dulu ada kucing macam ni kt rumah..stray tumpang kejap2..kwn tunang panggil 'dubuk' alahai..hehe

    Jom Terjah Entri Baru : [my270view] Fakta Facebook Part.2

    Jom Terjah Entri Baru : [Ailurophile] BSR jalan-jalan CNY

  6. alooolololololo... kesian diaaa... sejuk kerrr kena mandi?

  7. aloloo...cian dia

    muka tak puas hati tu hehe =]


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