Hi ev'body all, meet our new member of our furkids family, JESSIE! Dear husband and his friends found this stray kitten at Sentul LRT on Nov 5, 2010. I guess Jessie, semi long domestic hair kitten, is more than 3 months old.
This was how Jessie look like on the day she came to our home.
She had flu with eye infections.. |
With fleas, crusty ears and sign of mange on her toes |
Now.. after 6 days..
Playful! |
Last Night, watching 'Fargo' movie..
On your left! |
On your right! |
Meowing the captions.. |
Yeah!.. shoot him! |
Not forgetting - her unique kinky-short-tail 'flower' look
No more flu, no crusty ears.. with bright eyes! |
Now, get back to work! Am trying to get some sleep here.. purr...
yeay! Jessie da comel ;)
MM pon ada jupe sekor kitten, sian tgk keadaan dia harap nnti dia pon jadi comel cam jessie ;)
MM bela kitten tu?
owh...bertambah ramai anak kak gee...moga bertambah rezeki..aminnnn :-)
ramainya anak bulus..makin bertambah2..semoga rezeki bertambah2 murah..aminnnn :-)
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